The Milestones of the 469 Hours of Combat

On May 9, the end of the funny war...

The leave is cancelled.
21:00: Wehrmacht Units receive the order of movement.
22:00: GQG begin to be notified by German Border Units of movements near the border.
23:35: order is given to the Army to occupy the battle sites...
..." This time, is it the right one or an exercise?"... 

Friday, May 10, 02:00.

General Alert !

All the equipment is in, everything is checked...
05:00: a first enemy plane passes over the Fort...without consequence.
08:30: fire of the barracks peacetime.
12:00 pm: "... we are ready! "
14:23: first live shot of 75, it is a setting shot on a known point: "LES COMBLES".
Order of replication of the 1st Lanciers (1L) and 1st Bn Cyclistes Frontières (1RCyFr/I) elements behind LA MEUSE.
The Fort is isolated. 

On the 11th, 01:00.

Orders are given to the Fort Commanders to send reinforcements to the Field Army.
03:15: 1 Officer, 1 NCO's and 68 soldiers are designated and leave for LIERS.
10:10 : First shot of the cupolas II and IV on a German column with MARTEAU, in the region of SPA and LA REID.
The shots won’t stop till 20:30.
In the afternoon the Germans are in JUSLENVILLE!
Interdiction shots will be carried out on the road nodes throughout the night. 

On the 12th...

At 10:45, the fort underwent its first German artillery bombardment.
Five minutes later, the room is spotted and destroyed!
Around 19:15, the "P" building was heavily shot, a blast blew the shutter shutter of the bell, the fire of the explosion entered the well: the Sgt DEFRAIGNE and Pte GRIGNARD were injured (serious burns). 

On 15, 10:00 

Following a major German attack on the shelter "VESDRE", an external action turns to drama: Soldiers HUYMANS and MONVILLE are killed.
At 04:30, no longer having any communication, no longer knowing how to defend themselves, the personnel put the armament out of service and left the shelter. 

On 20, 06:00

Shelter BV7, JEUVEUMONT-THEUX has been violently shot...more communication, it is abandoned. 1Sgt REUL, Brig HENQUINET and Pte DELFOSSE and DOGNEZ performed their duties brilliantly.
the War Cross will be awarded to them. 

On the 21st, 02:10

The casemate "MONT" has no more communication...despite everything, a rocket is fired: " - I am attacked -". Since the 17th, the Germans have been harassing the casemate tirelessly. On the 20th,  Pte HOUYON was wounded by 37mm shrapnel passing through the shutter of the bell.
At 8:00 am, due to lack of sustenance, the white flag is raised... 

On the 22nd, 3pm

The 11 forts of LIEGE have fallen, TANCREMONT remains the only one to hold.
Second visit of German Members of Parliament...reply of 1Lt WEIMERSKIRCH: "When we want to talk with you, we will raise the white flag! "

On the 28th, 11:00...

Statement from the GQG: "The King has surrendered."

The Fort: "Hello, this is Pepinster Fort, what is the attitude to take?" response. 

On the 29th, 3.15 p.m

"death in the soul, we had to surrender..." GERADON Raymond, Pte Electrician.

...will continue the departure in captivity to WOLFSBERG - OFLAG XVIIIA - for the Officers and to GÖRLITZ - STALAG VIIIA - for the Troop. 

From the 29th of May...

...after the departure of the garrison, only 10 electrical soldiers from the Fort will remain for the operation of the facilities.
The fort was occupied by German troops in transit until the end of August 40 as part of Operation "SEEWOLF"... which never took place.
At the end of this period, they will be put on leave and return to their home.

But the fight is not over! 

Died for the Fatherland

Dead in the Field of Honour on 05-15-1940  HUYSMANS Pierre - MONVILLE Clément

Executed at the Citadel of LIEGE on 05-21-1941 ZABEAU René

Resistant, killed in THEUX on 09-11-1944 LAGUESSE Adrien

Died in captivity.

No Entreprise 414612147 © Amicale du Fort de Tancrémont - Rue des Combattants, 4800 VERVIERS
MàJ 1610

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